The Dreamer...

His Story...
Thanks for coming
Do tag before you leave
And hope you enjoy the stay =)

That's life,
Share the joy,
Keep the secrets all within...

The Dreams,His Aspirations...
~To lead a simple life;
In a quiet place...

~To help others;
In every way I could...

~To be humble;
For there is more to be learn...

~To enjoy;
A peaceful life...

The whispers in his life...

His past...
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
April 2011
May 2011
September 2011

Characters in his life...
PJC 08S17 Class Blog!^^
Andrew Lau
Bei Lin
Chiao Chen
Chun Yi
Jacky Ong
Jun Jie
Jun Rong
Jun Xi
Li Ru
Mei Ping
Pang Yong
Peng Hoe
Su Ling
Thong Leong
Wee Ling
Wei Hao
Wei Zane
Wen Shi
Xian Mei
Xiao Tong
Xue Li
Yean Jun
Zhi Hua
Zhi Xuan
Zhi Zhong
Zi Jian


The Soul Song...

Now Playing-

Must Be Dreaming - Frou Frou

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Eventual Downfall...
Today is the day...
Where I've opened my eyes...
And saw how redundant and minute my existence is...
It has even come to the extent where I question my own existence...
I decided to look at things from a different point of view today...
And I realised something...
Maybe its all an accident...
My existence doesn't matter much...

Dream to live; Live to dream
11:43 PM

Saturday, August 16, 2008

After so long...
I tink there are something i wan to get it straight across...
Those who noe me well enuff should noe my style...
but for those tat dun...
Tis post is for u guys...
Juz for everyone to noe me better...
For those who noe me...
My temper has been very very very much better....
But for others...
I've yet to flare on anyone yet for a very long time...
Dun push it...
The point tat i'm taking it wif a smile is tat...
I understand wat u r going thru...
I'm juz letting u let it out...
But dun push to the extent of doing tat all the time...
I'm seriously not the type where...
u can slap me and i smile back...
(Though I'm taking it easy recently...)
Second point...
I dun giv 100% respect to everyone...
But I giv them the same amount of respect they giv me...
To everyone...
Dun look at me as though I'm inferior...
Coz I'm not...
Everyone is equal in my eyes...
So I expect the same from others...
Imposing ideas on me doesn't work well...
Third point...
If something is done for the sake of doing it...
Might as well not do it...
If something are there for the sake of being there...
No point...
I may not be the best...
But I still EXIST...
Final Point...
The limit i can take from anyone...
Is based on the frenship ties i "perceived" it to be....
So my limit can tahan for alot of ppl...
B4 finding faults in others...
Look at urself first...
Tats why I dun say anymore...
Pls note tat tis are juz things i feel i should say...
To maintain a healthy relationship between frens...
I tot saying it once is enuff...
But i guess ALL frens need to noe this...
Gtg le...
Busy Weekend ahead so...

New love?
Somethings are not confirmed...
Will not say more...

Dream to live; Live to dream
12:12 AM

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I noe some things have to come...
I knew when everything goes wrong...
People started getting frustrated...
But I learnt something new today...
When it comes to that extreme point...
People juz give up totally...
Juz like what i'm doing now...
Let fate decide...
I couldn't bother to decide anymore...
I dun really care much anymore...
I'm tired of fighting so hard for something...
Things aren't going to change even if I did try...
And everyone thought I was doing great...
To tell u the truth...
Life has nvr been worst...
And I believe it gets more worse...
Its more than juz relationship...
Its my WHOLE life thats screwed up...
I'm so gonna sit back let things happen...

And they say life is going to get better...
It juz got worse...
And they say they will be there...
They are gone...
And they say I'm doing well...
We shall see...
And some people think I'm irritating...
I'm juz trying to make life better...

Can I cry?
I think I should juz sleep off and die...

Dream to live; Live to dream
7:43 PM

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Hey yozz...
Pai Seh Pai Seh...
Very long time nvr blog liao...
Alot of things to blog..haha!^^
I tink I done well...
Not the best...
But good enuff for now..
Council work doing well...
And for those who din noe...
I'm now officially a councilor!^^
Everything seems fine for me...
But I always hav tat feeling I left out something...
Or worst...
Feeling sad and all...
Haiz...I believe I'm drifting away from everyone...
I always wanted to lighten the burden on others...
Yet I always screw up...
Kept on procrastinating now...
Nothing ever gets done...
I want to giv in my 100%...
But it nvr work out right...
Even resting seems stressful to me...
I dunno wat to do now...
As of now...
I onli wan 1 thing for myself...
I'm hoping for something tats not quite possible...
Knowing now tat u r probably happy...
Its good enuff for me...
Probably we won't meet up anymore...
Maybe one day...
When we pass by each other...
We dun even greet each other anymore...

Dream to live; Live to dream
5:13 PM