The Dreamer...

His Story...
Thanks for coming
Do tag before you leave
And hope you enjoy the stay =)

That's life,
Share the joy,
Keep the secrets all within...

The Dreams,His Aspirations...
~To lead a simple life;
In a quiet place...

~To help others;
In every way I could...

~To be humble;
For there is more to be learn...

~To enjoy;
A peaceful life...

The whispers in his life...

His past...
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
April 2011
May 2011
September 2011

Characters in his life...
PJC 08S17 Class Blog!^^
Andrew Lau
Bei Lin
Chiao Chen
Chun Yi
Jacky Ong
Jun Jie
Jun Rong
Jun Xi
Li Ru
Mei Ping
Pang Yong
Peng Hoe
Su Ling
Thong Leong
Wee Ling
Wei Hao
Wei Zane
Wen Shi
Xian Mei
Xiao Tong
Xue Li
Yean Jun
Zhi Hua
Zhi Xuan
Zhi Zhong
Zi Jian


The Soul Song...

Now Playing-

Must Be Dreaming - Frou Frou

Sunday, March 30, 2008

I dunno why...
Though its not shown...
But I think I m getting more and more depressed...
Paranoia nvr act up again...
I may hav seem to be a very sad person all the time to u guys...
But it had nvr happen b4...
Many ppl can vouch for me...
Things like tis juz keep happening to me...
The more I cared about a frenship...
The more it juz rebound on me...
It juz hurts...
Though I hav alot of other best frens and bros...
It din happen coz we all noe deep tat we cared...
We din show it...
U can't blame me for thinking so much...
So many times things happen le...
I m left out so many time le...
Wats happening?
Can someone tell me?
Its affecting me really badly le...
Wat happen?
Am I really drifting away?
Wat happen to the happy times we had?
Pls...Tell me...T.T

I dun wanna be tat old pessimistic person le...
U all really are wat I depend most now...
If u all left me now...
I really dunno wat to do le...
Dun Pang Seh le ok?

Dream to live; Live to dream
2:07 PM

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I always tot tat the view is nicest at the top...
Tats why everytime I always climbed to the top...
But little did I realised...
Tat when one day...
I lied down here...
Looking at the sky...
Everything seems so nice...
Its as though everything is within ur grasp...
I realised then tat all tat u need is not tat far away...
Its onli right beside u~

Thats the thought I had...
On the first time My ex and I sat under stars....
Once a while...
Thoughts wif her and things she says juz pops my mind...
I miss her, my mei...
But I noe she is better off now^^
These thoughts above...
They came back on my way home...
Its jolted me at the right time...
I find it very true...
All I ever need is not far...
Its juz right beside me~
Sometimes u juz meet some ppl...
And u realised tat these ppl...
When the time comes...
Is really those ppl tat u will fight all out for...
For now...
Those thoughts above...
Is juz to remind me...

Juz now on the bus...
While listening to this very song...
I find very very meaningful...
And as my bro Steven jolted me and said...
"So nice"
And pointed at the sunset...
Thoughts of u are running thru my mind...
The phrase that ran thru my mind...
"How I wish to share all my moments wif u~"
Maybe this will come true soon...
U noe...
Whenever I reach home...
Its always motivating to noe...
Tat u r juz nearby...
And I can always ask u out...
But I better not bother u anytime soon...
We r both busy...
Lets us meet when we r free^^

Dream to live; Live to dream
9:04 PM

Sunday, March 23, 2008

My 50th post...
Din expect it to be so...
My paranoia has acted again...
Much worser than ever...
Wif this paranoia...
Things juz bcom blurer...
I had always tot I can see situation very clearly...
Sometimes even predicting the next phase...
But little did I realised...
Tat today...
Where my visions were blured...
Where things juz look like a puddle of muddy water...
Murkier than ever...
Anyway I decided to close my eyes...
And trust my feelings...
And I should trust my frens...
*Mental Block*

After so long...
I realised the true power of love...
All I need is ur company...
To calm my spirits...
Its scary...
How much I love u...
I guess the day I hold ur hands...
I will probably be the happiest guy in the world...
I guess I really need to see u often...
Let me be a happy person...
Maybe then problems fade away...
See u soon kkz!^^
Love ya always!^^

Dream to live; Live to dream
9:45 PM

Things has gotten from bad to worse...
The other concerns...
More or less settled...
My main concerns...
Juz keep getting worse...
Things tat u all do seems little...
But its alot to me...
It juz hurts...
I tot things would work out fine a few days ago...
But clearly its not...
Guys pls dun do tis...
I might seem unaffected...
But dun push it...
Coz the wound is tearing...
I can't take much of it...
I noe tis year is going to be tough for me...
But at the rate tis is going...
I probably wouldn't last long...
Where were the days we laughed in class...
Where were those photos tat we took...
Why was my figured greyed out in those photos...
Why am I fading away in all ur minds...
Where did my cold jokes went...
Where am I...
Can we be like before?
I miss those days...
I am falling guys...
I keep reassuring tat I am ok...
But onli now did I realised I am not...
When I fall...
Will u guys be there?
Will I see outstretched hands?
Or will I juz fall into an abyss...
Long forgotten by all others...
I am losing my mind...
I am going crazy...
Bye guys...

Dream to live; Live to dream
11:43 AM

Friday, March 21, 2008

Hey yozz!^^
Came by to drop a short post^^
I find it super hard to keep in touch wif all my frens...
Srry guys...
I m juz so busy...
I really hope to meet up wif u guys soon again kkz?^^
U noe...
Sometimes u juz hav to say...
Tat 08S17 simply rawks man...
Oh well...
And u noe...
I realised though my ABLP not over...
I still consider myself very very lucky...
Coz i hav loads of best frens bros and sis...
They r always there for me lar...
So nice lor...
Super gan dong...
U guys r the best!^^
Lets juz hope I can tide over my crisis...
Its not the incredible things tat they done...
Its the little things they do tat makes me happy^^
When u need them...
They are there...

It feels nice to feel so...
U noe?
I actually wanted to ask u out tonite...
To see the stars...
The nice chat we had...
It really is nice...
And I really appreciate it...
Something more...
I realised...
When I think all hopes is lost...
U juz appear rite in front of me...
Its like a message telling me not to give up...
For tat I decided to "Show Hand"
Let us all Jiayou kkz?^^

Dream to live; Live to dream
12:46 PM

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hey yozz!^^
Nth much to update...
Juz updating recent stuff...
I think my paranoia acting up like siao...
My paranoia even acted up on wat I trusted most...
My 08S17 Family...
Either so or something is happening...
I dunno why...
At a point of time today...
I feel like alot of problems piling up my shoulder...
I juz can't name the problem...
Its like a feeling of impending doom of some sort...
Oh well...
I felt something driving me into the corner...
I feel under pressure...
Let my hard time past soon...
I fear I might die of suffocation...

U noe...
When I am really down...
I think of u...
I wanna sms u...
But I dun dare to...
I dunno why...
I always giv reasons...
Say u r busy and all and i shouldn't disturb u...
For the first time since a very long time...
I face loneliness...
I fear it...
And now I stand alone...
Facing emptiness in front of me...
I dunno wats happening...
Should I sms u anot?...
I think for now...
I should juz rest up...
And see wat stuff is gonna pop up...

Dream to live; Live to dream
9:49 PM

Monday, March 17, 2008

Hey yozz!...
Back to tag...
Came back from chalet yesterday...
It was Fun FUn FUN!...xD^^
For details ermz...
I think will update on class blog...
As for now...
I muz say damn happy to see tagboard got something...
Coz like empty for a while...
Then glad to hav a great buddy Joshua(Can say is my Bro!^^)
He damn good lor...
Accompany me from Marine Parade to Clementi and back...
Juz to get my bag back...
(Coz of my STM)
Took a whole 2hrs+ lor...
Anyway I oso appreciate all tat the rest hav done...
Too many to speak of...
No matter how small the help is...
It means alot^^...
08S17 juz rawks man^^...
Anyway I not Emo...
Juz wanna thx all the ppl lor...
Dunno why...
After I cut my hair I feel like a different person...
Feel like I should be more serious...
Feel like I should be more funny rather than "cold"
Anyway recently damn paranoid...
I now less paranoid le...
In fact...
I more outspoken and happier...
(Scared too outspoken)
Oh well...
My mind in the clouds now...
Getting more and more blur now...
Feeling less and less concious now...
I tink I blog when I more concious...

Dream to live; Live to dream
9:16 PM

Friday, March 14, 2008

Hey yozz!^^
Wah wah...
These 4 days damn busy...
Dun even hav time to go online...
Woah Woah...
Lets see...

Tuesday went YMCA Orchard...
The workshop quite boring though I paid attention...
Budden heard bout it last year...
At Frontier Library...
Bout some non-profit organisation...
Like community service liddat de...
Got think bout it b4...
Like the idea...
Interested budden...
No time...
Oh well...
Then after the workshop...
Some went to eat packed lunch...
Others go eat Shih Lin...
Then went wif O2OG9 to Marina...
Go there play pool and bowling...
Then was dicussing bout going to Yuki Yaki or Carls Jr...
Carls Jr. in the end...
Was unsure whether can refill drink...
End up can...
When we actually like so scare to go refill haha^^...

Wednesday went to WH hse to try a game...
Then after tat went to watch 2 movie at once...
Juno and Rule#1...
Juno was rather average...
Not worth to watch...
But Rule #1 was like...
Dun mind watching again...
So damn good the plot...
The horror part was enuff...
Not too much or too little...
Overall my rating for it is 9/10...

Thursday went to PJC...
Study at library...
Budden din do much...
Coz quite distracted xP^^...
Anyway PLANNED to go gym...
End up din...
And even make Don wait for us...
Though i din say exactly I wan to go...
But feel quite srry...
Coz like...
Wait whole day end up nvr go...
Sure damn pek cek...
REAL Srry Don!...

Today went to NP
Help the rest to select lappy...
Then was abit not happy...
Coz all lappy cheaper than mine...
But better than mine=(...
But I still love my lappy^^
After tat all went to eat "special" pork chop...
Then played pool at Timah...
Quite on form...
Budden play long le bcom "Pa Jiao"...
After tat went home...

Srry for the short post...
Coz tmr got CLASS CHALET!^^
Need to sleep early...
Then like oso cannot recall
(Stm getting worse...)
Life's still in a mess...
But its getting better^^...
Found the secret to solving my problem...
Calm down...
And face the problem wif Positive Attitude...
Zi Jian...
I think my ABLP going to be over soon...
Really hope ur life will be getting better too!^^
Jia You!^^

Wah wah wah...
Really think bout u alot...
Feel like "Argh" now...
Like neither here nor there...
I m hanging on a cliff...
Unwilling to let go...
Yet hanging here forever...
Not advancing at all...
Let me concentrate on other things bah...

Dream to live; Live to dream
10:25 PM

Monday, March 10, 2008

Hey yozz!^^
Came by to write up a post^^
Well nth much happen the pass 3 days...
Its the usual of...
PSP, Com, Hmwk, Badminton session...
Was fully occupying myself wif these...
Then just now my bro James came over to use lappy^^
(Its damn fun when u hav 2 lappy together...xP^^)
Nth much le...

To tell the truth...
I m starting to falter from the prolonged love...
Sometimes I do feel like giving up...
Budden when u appear in front of me again...
It just revitalize me...
It just make everything worth it when I see ur smile...
March On Arec...March On!^^

Dream to live; Live to dream
10:46 PM

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Hey yozz!^^
Back again to blog...
(After some time...)
Today go for headstart program...
Both was fun and entertaining...
But I doubt I would remember them xP^^...
So dun mind bout it haha^^...
But most impt...
Today release the posting of class!^^
And guess wat...
Our appeal was successful!^^...
Not exactly...
The senior J1s din manage to get the same class as us =(...
Hey guys...
I hope u all can get back...
It wouldn't be the same without u guys...
Myra Iva Kash Farid Vijay...
Now I hope they succeed...

And of coz...
There was this game call Risk...
We played it once...
Due to my mistake at the start...
I ended up struggling through the game...
Though I was not eliminated by the end of game...
I think I nearly lost my capital...
Lets play again someday^^

Things are starting to settle down for me...
I juz hope everything will be fine soon...
I juz hope things dun start again...
I dun wan to see class politics again...
I juz wan a peaceful happy class...
Everyone equally happy...
Equally treated...

Still missing u...
Hope u r doing well...
I noe u r busy catching up wif stuff...
So m i...
Lets juz settle down wif our studies abit...
B4 going out again kkz?
Guess wat...
U juz pop up in my mind all the time...
If everytime I were to sms u to tell u I miss u...
Im sure my bills will "bao"...
See u again soon!^^
Love ya always!^^

Dream to live; Live to dream
8:39 PM

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Hey yozz!^^
Srry guys...
I can't help but be emo sia...
Things juz keep happening...
Though it might all seem ok...
But its not...
I try to keep the mood of this post neutral kkz?
I am in a dilemma...
Cue sports, Badminton or SC...
I noe I had always wanna be in SC...
So more or less its decided...
Cue sport accepted me unconditionally...
(But $5 per week is going to eat into my allowance)
Badminton selected me into recreation...
(Which means I m not going for competition)
So dunno wat to do now...
Anyway today went to play badminton (outdoor court)...
Even though its raining xD^^...
Then eat LJS for dinner...
Nth much le...

My conscience tell me to bare my feelings to you...
Maybe I should...
Or u will nvr noe...
I fear all tat I hav done for u...
Is not enuff...
I think I will tell u...
Some day when the small chance arrive...
Lets go out sometime?
Then I can tell u...
I dunno why...
But I juz love u...
Out of the many million gals around...
To others...
The rest might seem prettier...
But for me...
I wan no one else but u...
Coz u showed me the best of u...
U r someone I can depend on...
To u...
I might juz be someone u noe...
Coz I nvr had the chance to show u...
Wat a person I am...
I m not be the most handsome guy u noe...
Nor am I the smartest...
Not the cutest...
Nvr the smartest...
But I m sure I can say...
Tat I m the guy tat loves u the most^^...
Dun say no when I ask u kkz?^^

Dream to live; Live to dream
8:40 PM